Welcome to KDE in Esperanto
Why do we translate KDE into Esperanto? It's in English, and a lot of other languages as well, so why on earth should we bother with Esperanto?
The reason may not seem obvious to English speakers, or even speakers of another major language, but it's painfully obvious to speakers of minority languages, who have to struggle with the complexities of both a desktop environment (complex by nature) which runs on a computer (complex by nature), while at the same time navigating through all of that complexity in a native tongue (which is.. guess what... complex by nature 😁) which is not their native tongue.
So why not wait for KDE to be translated into their native tongue? Just take a gander at the size of KDE. It's mindblowingly huge! Besides that, the doggone KDE developers keep doing their thing, enthusiastically working away, developing new programs, improving on the old ones. The translations constantly need to be updated.
A lot of translators with good intentions have started to translate KDE into their native tongue, but the task proved overwhelming. When the fatigue wore them down, they threw in the towel.
Esperanto is a simple, regular, sensible constructed language which takes away some of the pitfalls of using KDE in a natural (think lovable but crazy, rule-breaking mess) language which you didn't grow up using.
And our translators have stood the test of time.
If you would like to learn Esperanto, may we suggest an excellent learning site: lernu.net.
We will now switch over to Esperanto. Just a moment please...
Bonvenon al KDE en Esperanto
Unue, permesu min klarigi ion: se vi legis la supran, kaj nun pensas, "Ho ve, mi nur volis helpi traduki kiel ŝatokupo, mi ne volas savi la mondon", ne ĉagreniĝu! Se vi tradukas unu dosieron, via helpo estas bonvena. Se vi helpas traduki 100 dosierojn, via helpo certe estas bonvena! 😁
Ĉefe, ni koncernas nin pri la tradukado de la KDE ĉirkaŭaĵo.
Ni komencas vortliston de terminoj ĉe la Vortaroj paĝo, kaj konsultas la terminaron KompuTeko multe por konstati ĉu aliaj teamoj uzas la konsideratan terminon aŭ ne.
Ĉu pri aliaj aferoj?
Se vi volus sugesti novan paĝon, terminon por nia tradukado, aŭ iu ajn bagatelon, ne hezitu sendi vian sugeston al nia listo!